Increase your RIO

Process Discovery
Process Discovery is the most critical activity for successful RPA implementations. We help our customers end-to-end during the identification of various business flows/processes. During process discovery phases we create various critical artificacts such as Functional Requirements, Technical requirements and detailed RIO metrics reporting. These reports greatly help in making right decisions and a roadmap for RPA innitiatives. The outcome of this phase will decide how many number of Attended & Un-Attended BOTS would be required to automate the identified business process flows.
RPA Tool Selection
Our RPA consulting team will assist customers in the process of RPA product selection, our recomendations will be based on customers process automation use-cases and related business flows involved so that the right RPA platform selection is ensured.
System Documenation
We help our customers to create detailed documenation of identified processes to be automated via RPA Platform. Artifacts include end-to-end task atutomation, establishment of BOT Architecture & Planning, defining design & development of BOTS with required necessary Triggers & business Processes
Platform Installation & Setup
Based on platform selection by cstomer our RPA delivery team will assist in creating an efficitent & scalable RPA run-time environments for Design, Development & Deployment of BOTS.
Integration & Automation
Most of the BOTS will need secure and reliable integration with organization's backend applciations such as API's, ERP, CRM, Portals, Databases, Documents, Devices and several other operational/admin applications for the automation. We help end-to-end to integrate and establish those integration points during the design & development of BOTS
Support & Manitenance
Once BOTS are deployed and runnign they need constant monitoring & maintenance to make sure business processes are not hung. We help customers to establish an efficient error/exception handling framework for the BOTS, this framework ensures real-time alerts and notifications in case any issues are encountered by the BOTS due to networks, infrastructure or external applciations associated to the BOTS.